RICHKA.COM presents the BDAA
The Balalaika and Domra Association of America

Literally the Mother of all Balalaika Orchestras....In its 25 years of existence the BDAA has grown to an international membership of over 400, with connections to many orchestras and ensembles worldwide.  The common bond is music, and a desire to learn more about it in the company of others.

Each year in June or July, the BDAA sponsors The BDAA Convention On this page we present a sampling of music from the 2001 Convention in Madison, Wisconsin.

Kak za Donom za rekoy - BDAA Festival Choir, Zhanna Ketslakh, director
"Across and Beyond the River Don"

Kak u nashik u vorot - BDAA Festival Choir, Zhanna Ketslakh, director

All That Has Been - Annika Bäckström makes singing an extreme sport

Ural Mountain Dance

Carousel - Komenka Dance Ensemble/John Rodi, director 

Boys - Winter Festival Balalaikas

Moy Mouzh Zastavil Menya - Bibs Ekkel, balalaika/Vanya Podzhopnikov, guitar

Kazachok - Komenka Dance Ensemble

Gypsy Tear Drops  - Charley Rappaport, domra/Lynn McConnell, piano

Oh You Birch Tree  - Bibs Ekkel, balalaika/Vanya Podzhopnikov, guitar

A CD of similar music by the University of Wisconsin Russian Orchestra is available here.

©1995- 2021 Ostenta Fine Arts. This website was first created May 1999 in Santa Cruz, California, USA.